Welcome to the Bucs 2023 Season.

Season Rules

  1. Season Dates – The season will officially begin Wed, April 5th and culminate with the Bucs scramble and end of season party on August 18th.
  1. League Fee – There will be a one-time $110 mandatory league fee charged to your bill for the Bucs season; and includes both regular and fall season.  If you are only playing one season, the fee is $75, regardless of season. This fee will cover all expenses for the year, including but not limited to, weekly kegs, both Grinvitational open bars, end of season party (drinks, entertainment, gifts) and staff tips, etc.  Please inform us if you do NOT drink alcohol and you will be charged a reduced league fee
  1. Entry Fees, Scoring, Point calculation, Handicap

Pro Shop Entry Fee

      • The pro shop will charge a $10 fee to your account each week for playing in Bucs.  Winners will receive gift certificate credits in the pro shop.

$20 Optional Cash Game

      • If a player chooses not to participate in the cash game, they are still eligible to win the event, but will not receive a cash prize.  All cash winnings will go to partner if partner played in cash game.
      • All players must pay PRIOR to teeing off or they will be removed from the cash game.
      • Number of places and payouts will change depending on field size.  Please see table below.
      • $2 of the $20 cash game will go towards a raffle to be held immediately after the results are announced.  You MUST be present to win.  If the event is a team event, ALL PLAYERS must be present and money will be split between partners. If you are not present where announcements are when the name is drawn, another name will be drawn.

Cash Payouts

Determination of Winners

Net / Gross Game

        • Winners will be determined in the following order for ALL events:  Gross 1st, Net 1st, Gross 2nd, Net 2nd, Gross 3rd, Net 3rd, Net 4th, Net 5th, Gross 4th – 5th

Note: Once you have been awarded money or points in one game, you are no longer eligible for money or points in the other game.

Score Card Playoffs

        • Score card playoffs will be used to determine winners in case of a tie.  Playoffs will start on the lowest handicap hole for the side being played and progress upward to the next lowest handicap hole until a winner is determined.
        • In rare cases, teams or players may tie the entire round and will split points and winnings for the place they tied for.  If they tie for one of the top 4 spots, they will split points and winnings for the place they tied for and also the place below.  Example: 2 teams tie for 2nd after score card playoff, they will split points and winnings for 2nd and 3rd.  4th spot will be awarded to next available winner.


          • All skins will be individual skins unless the partners share a shot or ball as in a shamble, scramble, or alternate shot event.  One best ball per team will be used to determine skins unless it is announced prior to the event that it will be calculated differently
          • Only 1 stroke will be allowed on net skins.
          • In the event there is a skins carry over from the prior week, players playing the following week that did NOT play the prior week, must pay an additional $10 to the cash game ($30 total) to be eligible to win a skin.

Flag Events

        • Winner of the weekly flag event(s) will receive 1 point.  Skin winners will receive 1 point per hole for a skin (net or gross or both – only 1 point per hole)


        • 100% of handicap will be used for events unless event dictates otherwise

Handicap Review

        • Handicaps may be reviewed and adjusted off of weekly scores from Bucs events or Bucs handicap committee ruling
  1. Blind Draw Shotgun Start – There will be several events where the teams and groups will be randomly paired by the pro shop and the events will have a 5pm, or later, shotgun start.  Players must REGISTER for these events by noon the day of the event in order for the pro shop to have ample time to create the pairings.
  1. ONE Partner Per Season – You may only have the same partner once during the season unless you are randomly paired in a Blind Draw. If two people have previously paired up and win an event, they will be disqualified from the cash/certificate game and point awards for placing.
  1. Tee Off Times – Golfers are encouraged to tee off after 2:00. It is understandable that there are times when you cannot make the regular schedule tee time on a Wednesday night, but camaraderie is part of the spirit of Bucs, and we want to keep as many people on the course and in the clubhouse at the same time as possible. If you need to tee off earlier in the day, you will need to notify the Bucs Committee at TheCommittee@bluehillsbucs.com prior to playing. We will keep track of early players, and will limit it to a maximum of 2 times per season.
  1. Tees Played – Most events will be played from the 66 tees.  Each event will denote which tees are played

63 Tees – Any player may choose to play from the 63 tees and will have their handicap adjusted accordingly.

60 Tees – If a player is 70 years young or older, they may choose to play from the 60 tees and will have their handicap adjusted accordingly.

      • If a player chooses to play from a different set of tees from the established set of tees for the event, they will be excluded from the Gross skins game.

Handicap Reduction – Handicaps will be calculated from the tees a player chooses and then reduced by the proper number of strokes in accordance with USGA rule 3-5 based on the tees being played for the event.

      • Players will not be allowed to change tees in the Red/White/Blue event
      • Players will only be allowed to move up 1 set of tees for any events played from the 68 tees
  1. Pace of Play – Slow play can potentially ruin the event for all, therefore, pace of play will be STRICTLY ENFORCED and all players should play in 2 hours or less.  Players are encouraged to call the pro shop at 816-942-1683 to report a group that is out of position or playing slow (slower than 3 holes every 40 minutes on average).  It is understandable for a group to fall behind looking for a lost ball, but can easily catch up by playing ready golf.

Once a group is out of position, the marshall/pro shop will alert them and they will be given a chance to catch up.   If they can’t catch up and fall 1 ½ holes behind, they will be instructed to skip a hole, or let the groups behind them through.  Some players may lose the privilege of teeing off early if it is determined they are habitual offenders.

  1. Rainout Rule – In case of rain out, if 50% or more of the players finish the event, but not the entire field, it will be a skins only event.  $18 of the $20 cash game will go into a skins pot for all players who finished, and $2 of the $20 cash game will go into the raffle pot for all players.  If a player does not finish the event, their $18 will carry over to the following week.

Players are encouraged to come to ALL events regardless of the weather.  All players who show up, even if the event is rained out, will receive 3 points.

  1. Darkness Rule – Any player or players who do not finish the stipulated number of holes for the Bucs event, due to darkness, will be removed from the Bucs event.  $18 will be held in the pro shop to be applied to the cash game for the next time you play in Bucs or refunded to you.  $2 will be put towards the raffle.  If it is a team raffle, all players must be present to win.
  1. Grinvitational Points – Net/Gross winning points will not be distributed for the Grin. Instead, each player will receive 3 participation points. Players will receive 1 additional point for each flag prize won, and 1 point for each skin per hole.
  1. Volunteer Photographer – A player may choose to be a volunteer photographer for the Bucs committee and will receive 1 bonus point for service.  This person must be approved by the Official Bucs Photographer and must provide a minimum of 25 quality pictures that week to qualify for bonus point.
  1. Changes to Events – The Bucs committee may make changes to already published events based on course/weather conditions the day of the event.

Horse Race Qualifying

  1. Players must play in at least 8 regular season events to be eligible to play in the Horse Race
  2. The previous year’s Horse Race winner is exempt from having to qualify in order to defend his title, but must play in 13 regular season events
  3. Top 16 point scorers (ties may be included and counted as one spot depending on field size/committee ruling)
  4. Any past Horse Race champion is exempt from qualifying as long as they have attended at least 13 regular season events
  5. Any Bucs Committee Members that did not qualify
  6. Players with perfect attendance will also qualify for the Horse Race regardless of overall point standings
  7. 2 lowest scoring players from the Wild Card Qualifiers (1 net/1 gross).  Best score will be chosen from Wild Card Qualifier week 1 and 2 to make your lowest 9 hole score.  If a person with the lowest score has already qualified via points, that spot will go to the next eligible person
  8. 1 person from Carry the Flag
  9. 5 people from the Skills Game Challenge
  10. Pony Race – Starting at noon the day of the Horse Race, a 3 hole Pony Race will allow one person to advance to the Horse Race.  Any player who has played in at least 8 regular season events and has not qualified for the Horse Race is eligible to play.
  11. Ties will be broken by sudden death playoff
  12. Depending on the field size from above qualifications, these options may or may not be exercised
    1. 1 person from Horse Race Raffle or Club Toss
    2. Committee Pick(s) – number of committee picks will be determined by field size/hard luck cases/bribes, etc.

End of Season Scramble

      1. 4 man scramble event
      1. Any team member whose USGA handicap index is 20.0 or higher will be assigned a 20.0 index for the purpose of forming a team
      1. The most current handicap will be used.
      1. This will be a handicapped event.  Team handicaps will be converted in accordance to the chart below. Winners will be paid for net and gross.
      1. You must use each person’s drive FOUR times.  Please mark the drive that was used on the scorecard.
      1. Any member can play in the Scramble as  long as a Bucs league fee has been paid.  If a league fee has not been paid, player will be charged $50.

Bucs Scramble Team Handicap


Bucs Fall League

  1. Form your own team of up to 8 players
    1. Additional players may be added to your roster until the end of week 3 for a MAX of 8 players
  2. Max of 7 players can be active in any week
    1. Players registered on foretees tee time or events will be considered active
  3. 2 best scores from active team members will be used for Gross and Net score
  4. It is encouraged that your entire team play together as a group, but if conflicts arise, you may play at other times and scores will be combined by pro shop
  5. Points will be awarded for Gross and Net as follows:
    1. 1st = 3
    2. 2nd = 2
    3. 3rd = 3
  6. Optional $20 cash game for Gross/Net game and Skins
  7. Top 10 teams at end of regular season will qualify for End of Season Horse Race


Bucs Fall League Horse Race Rules

    • $80 per team entry fee paid to First (70%) and 2nd (30%)

    • You must have at least 3 players from your team present on the # 1 tee when it is your team’s turn to hit to be eligible to play.  Substitutions are not allowed once play begins.  You must finish the race with at least 2 players on your team.

      • Each player must be present when it is their turn to hit.  This allows a player to arrive later than 3:30pm and still play in Horse Race.  If an individual player is not present when it is their turn to hit, they will be removed and team handicap will be recalculated.  If player is removed, the next player in the line up will hit.  Team must still have a minimum of 3 players on their team on hole # 1 or they will be disqualified.

      • For example, if a player is 6th in the lineup and the team makes a par on # 1 and the 6th player has not arrived to hit their shot on # 2 or participate in the putt/chip off, the team handicap will be recalculated for hole # 1.  This may cause the team to lose or gain a stroke on # 1 and the outcome will be adjusted.

    • Teams will tee off in reverse order, starting at 10th place and going to 1st, of where they placed on the Leader board.

    • Three teams will be eliminated on # 1, two teams on # 2, and one team on holes 3 – 6.

    • This will be a true alternate shot event, including putt/chip offs, and player order must be given to score keeper prior to teeing off

      • If you have 6 players on your team and make a par on # 1, and there is no putt/chip off, the 6th person will tee off on # 2.  If there is a putt/chip off, the 6th person will hit that shot and the #1 player will tee off on #2 if they advance.
    • A player may pull out of Horse Race for personal reasons (IE: football practice, business meeting)
      • This is NOT to be used as a strategy but only intended to allow a player on a team to leave the course for prior obligations but play while they are able.  If a player pulls out of Horse Race, they MUST leave the course!
    • Team handicaps will be calculated by adding all indexes together for players that are playing and dividing by that number.  Team handicap will be recalculated with remaining players if a player leaves.

      • IE: You have 3 players playing that are a 5.1, 7.1, and 8.7.  Their Total index = 20.9 / 3 = 6.96 rounded to 7.0  Team handicap will be a 8 for 18 holes.
    • The entire team starting the hole must be present at the conclusion of the hole or they will be disqualified.

    • In case of a tie, hole # 7 will be played if daylight permits.  If daylight is an issue, Bucs Committee will determine how playoff is handled.